A.D.R. is, by far, my favorite bulb company. Top quality products at a fair price and the best customer service out there.
Chris, I speak nothing but the truth. A.D.R. IS my favorite bulb company and I've never ever had even the smallest problem that A.D.R. hasn't taken care of to my complete satisfaction.
Bonnie Pega
, The Great Big Greenhouse
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Gallery & Melody dahlias are single flowering and compact with large flowers.
These low growers are ideally suited for pots, but also do well in front of borders or beds.
They bloom for 3-4 months, and produce new flowers throughout the season.
Pinch off the first flower buds on the main stems for greater flower production
Plant depth: 2" (5cm) Spacing: 20-22 "(50-55cm) Bloom Duration: 3-4 months
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